Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Three Ways to Avoid Burnout: August Running Report

August is over and weeks 7-11 of training are complete. 173.2 miles for August, an all time high mileage month for me, a number I never dreamed was possible to run in one month. Time is flying, race day will be here before I know it. This month I dug in deep as the miles increased, experienced things I've never experienced in all my years of running, persevered on hard days, and grown so much in the process. Running 18-20 miles in one run is not for the faint of heart. But, when you complete such a task, it's a huge milestone. When you realize that you are capable of much more than you ever thought possible, it is confidence building.

I've been asked by several people if I regret my decision to run a full marathon, or if I'm tired of running yet.  Now twelve weeks into my seventeen week training, I can honestly say that I'm not burned out, I still love running, and I'm still happy with my decision to run a full marathon. Here's three ways, I've found this training cycle, to avoid burnout.

1. Be Fully Engaged. A podcast I listened to recently mentioned burnout usually occurs because you have become disengaged from what you are doing. I think the reason I haven't experienced burnout is that I fully invested myself in my goal. I picked a training plan, and have been following/working the plan closely (still haven't missed a training run yet). I'm starting to see the payoff of "putting in the work" with gains such as faster pace, feeling stronger each week as distances increase, and the satisfaction of hitting the pace times in a hard workout. I'm excited and looking forward to race day to see the results of what happens when you invest yourself fully. If you are feeling burnout set in, try to reengage with your goal. Does the goal you set still make you excited? Maybe you have been working too hard and need to pull back and set small, attainable wins to make you love doing that activity or working toward that goal again.

2. Revisit Your Why. I think it's also important to revisit your "why." Why did you set this goal in the first place? For me it is multifaceted. One, to challenge myself and do something hard. Less than 1% of the US population has run a marathon. What a feeling of accomplishment on race day to cross the finish line, completing something hard that most people have not done. Two, for the physical, mental, and emotional health benefits. I can tell a huge difference in how I feel physically and my mood, when I exercise and move my body. It's a non negotiable for me. I always want to start my day doing some form of exercise. Three, to be an example/role model to my kids. I want them to see that you can challenge yourself, do hard things, work hard, and follow through in life! I hope that my example will inspire them to set their own goals and go after them. Lastly, I'm curious to see what I can do. I've never run a marathon before, will I love running 26.2 miles? What will my time be? Will I want to do another marathon, or is this a one and done thing? So many unknowns but I'm excited to see how this training cycle will wrap up and what it will lead to in the future. When training gets hard, and it will, remind yourself why you are working toward your goal to keep you excited and motivated to keep working.

3. Set Manageable Goals. I set out this training cycle with a time goal in mind, but I also have several different goal levels. I think it's important to have a multi tiered approach to goal setting, to not be so laser focused on a set goal time that you put too much pressure on yourself. Pressure to perform leads to burnout. I actually have five different goal levels that I've set for myself this training cycle. Level one, to cross the finish line. A huge feat in and of itself. Level two, a sub 4:00 marathon. All the way to my level five goal. I think it's good, healthy, and will set yourself up for success and not disappointment, by having many different level goals. 

I have a set time goal that I'm using as an infrastructure, that I've built my training around, to set myself up the best I can to see what I can do. Some runners set such a specific goal, or one too far out of reach right now, that when they see any inkling that the end result may not match their expectation, they become disengaged and start to lose interest. Enjoyment for me has come from the long term satisfaction of putting in the time, running each training workout, and putting in the hard work necessary to push myself. Whether I hit my ultimate top tier goal, or just level one, I've won! I'm excited to see what I can accomplish after putting in the time, and hard work. Set manageable multi level goals to avoid the pressure to perform and avoid burnout.

Another milestone ahead this week as I go into my first of three 20+ mile long runs before race day. Three hard weeks left, and then it time to taper. Unbelievable! Keep pushing ahead, putting in the time and work, in whatever goal you are working toward. You can do hard things. Don't give up.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Three Things I've Learned From Marathon Training-July Running Log

Training for a FULL marathon (26.2 miles) has always been a goal that seemed a little out of reach. Not that I thought I couldn't do it, but I knew I had to have the desire and drive to make training for all those miles and weeks happen. Now it's time to make that lofty, out of reach goal, a reality.

I have been pleased with my training cycle so far. I've really challenged myself with my training plan and am proud that I've made every run happen (that's huge)! I haven't missed one yet. These first weeks of training have already taught me three things.  

One. You can do hard things. When I decided I wanted to run a marathon I didn't just put a goal of finishing it, but finishing it with a certain time. Some in the running world would say that's a little crazy for a first time marathoner, but I love a good challenge! I started researching plans and when I decided on one I began to pencil each days training workout in my planner. As I sat back and looked at the months and miles I would be running pile up, my initial thoughts were, "NO WAY!" It was unbelievable to look at the plan as a whole, see all the mileage planned out, and think I could do it. However, I remember having those same thoughts all those years ago when I saw my first half marathon training plan in a SHAPE Magazine and got the crazy idea I would try to run a half marathon. Now, thirteen half marathon races under my belt, I can't believe I ever thought it seemed out of reach. You can do hard things!  

As the weeks went by before training began, I even thought about changing to a less ambitious plan, but the start day on the calendar quickly arrived, and training began. Of course when I saw Day 1 was scheduled on the day we were on vacation in Death Valley National Park, California (known as the hottest place in North America 😅🌡), I laughed but wasn't deterred. I started.  Plain and simple, I put one foot in front of the other and focused on the first days run, got it done, and have been doing that every day since! You can do hard things!

Two. You have to want it. You won't be successful if you don't have the desire and drive to make it happen.  You can't set a goal and forget about it. It's the day in and day out commitment that will get you to the finish line. Never have I been so dedicated to a training cycle more than this one. Maybe it's the fact that I've never run a marathon before. Or possibly, that at the half marathon races that I've run I'm so ready to be done at 13.1 miles and had the thought, "I can't believe those full marathoners have to do what I just did twice!" 😜 

I know I need to be trained up and prepared to not feel like I'm dying come race day. I've not skipped a workout yet, running while out of town and on vacation (in two different states), moved long runs to mid week when I knew I would be gone on a Saturday, and persevered in hot and humid temperatures. July is not an easy running month, but summer miles equals a fast fall! If you want it, you can make it happen.

Three. The only one standing in your way is you. The last long run of July was 14 miles and the training plan had me set to complete it in 2 hours and 15 minutes (9:39 min/mile pace). It's easy to be intimidated when seeing numbers that you need to hit during a workout. In the past, I've not followed training plans so closely, or I've only followed plans to give me a distance guideline, not a pace goal. At first I thought that pace seemed overzealous to hold over 14 miles this early in training (6 weeks in). However, I didn't let my thoughts discourage me, I decided to trust my training and see what I could do. I finished in 2 hours and 14 minutes (9:34 min/mile pace)! Coming in 5 seconds per mile faster, and one minute to spare. If I would have given in to the fear of failure and not tried, I would have missed out on seeing that I could do it! The only one standing in your way is you. Hard work pays!

144.5 miles for July, an all time high mileage running month for me, which is only the beginning! Onward and upward, in miles that is 😂! You can make your goals happen. Just simply start. Put one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. This applies not only to running, but any goal you have set for yourself. What goals are you currently working toward? I would love to hear.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

My thoughts on baby #6...It's a GIRL!"

I have always wanted to have a daughter, and finding out that was going to happen after 13+ years of motherhood, has definitely been a highlight and bright spot this year, after 2020 being the year of challenges, let downs, and cancellations. We found out in July that baby #6 was a girl and I told Chris that was probably the most exciting conversation I have ever had with someone I didn't know. When the nurse asked if I had any inkling what this baby might be I said, "Well, I have five boys..." 

She then jumped in before I could say anything else and exclaimed in complete amazement, "You have FIVE BOYS?!?" 

I said, "So, is it a boy?" My heart pounding as I waited to hear.

She repeated again as if to try to make sure she had heard me correctly, "YOU HAVE FIVE BOYS?!?" 

I said with eager anticipation and excitement, "It's another boy isn't it?" Curious if my boy mom status I had held for over thirteen years was still intact. 

She then said, "Your five boys are going to have a little SISTER!" I heard the words, but couldn't comprehend. I was stunned. I said, "Really!?!" in amazement not thinking that was even possible.

We both started to cheer and then I asked her what any mom with all one gender would ask, "Can you tell me that one more time?" She laughed and told me that we were indeed going to have a baby girl!

Growing up I was surrounded by boys (I have two younger brothers, I was the only girl trombone player in band, and teachers often sat me with the wild and rambunctious boys to help neutralize the situation 😂), boys are what I knew. So, as a young girl, when friends and I would imagine what our future families might look like I would always respond, "I want all boys and 1 girl (not knowing how many boys that would be 😂)." Fast forward many, many years later, to have the Lord answer my hearts desire to have a daughter, I'm filled with awe, gratitude, wonder, and excitement. Over the years, I began to think that one desire would go unmet. I love all my boys, and the special calling the Lord gave me of being a boy mom these last almost 14 years. But, I often wondered why I couldn't also get to experience having a daughter. Some thoughts that went through my head....Did the Lord think I wouldn't be a good mom to a girl? Maybe it was just my calling to raise a few good, godly men. After 5 sweet boys we thought our days of expanding our family were complete. I am honored and blessed to be the mom to five handsome boys.

To be given such a gift, at 40 years old nonetheless, when I wasn't even sure another baby would be possible, is a huge blessing from the Lord. When I sit in awe and wonder of this sweet blessing, I can't help but be reminded God knew this plan for our family all along; that this sweet girl, would be the youngest of six, with five older brothers. He knows everything about her, things that we do not yet know; what she looks like, her personality, her gifts and talents, how she will handle all these brothers 😂,  her future occupation, and the list goes on and on. The one thing I do know is He has a great plan and purpose for her life and I'm thankful that plan includes her being in our family. Now, I'm praying and trusting God will equip me with what I need to be a good mom to a girl.

👉🏻Something to encourage your heart and mine today. When you think the story is already written, or a door has been closed, or you are in a season of waiting; know God is the One who knows the plan and purpose for  your life.  Trust Him and His timing. He has a good and perfect plan and purpose for you.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Five Things Friday-October 2

 It's October! I can't even began to tell you how much I love fall, my favorite season hands down. I downloaded this cute free print by KaylaAimee.com, you can find it here to celebrate my favorite season and one of my favorite books of all time, Anne of Green Gables. I am definitely glad we live in a world where there are Octobers!

{one} Copycat Starbucks Pumpkin Loaf

While we are on the topic of fall I have to share my favorite fall pumpkin bread recipe. My friend Libby posted a pic of the yummy pumpkin bread she made the other day, and the moment I saw it I knew I had to make some. It looked delicious. And wouldn't you know, I had just got home from the grocery store 😂, so I craved pumpkin bread until my next trip to the store. She sent me the recipe and it is a Copycat Starbucks Pumpkin Loaf, by CopyKat. If you love pumpkin you have to make this recipe. I left out the cardamom and pumpkin seeds and it was still delicious! With the amount of boys I have in my house one loaf didn't last long and I had to make another batch. Just FYI one can of pumpkin puree will make two loaves so next time I will just make two at once! 

{two} Johnson Farms Mums

Each fall one of my favorite things to do is drive over to Johnson Farms and get mums! They have the best  mums around. They are big 3 gallon mums for $12.99. I love that they catch my eye each time I pull into my driveway. If you are in or near Kansas City, Johnson Farms is a must stop for fall mums. It's a working farm with a Pumpkin Patch too, and don't forget to grab some Pumpkin Donuts when you are there.

{three} Lottie Lemon bows

Most of you know I'm a mom to five boys and until recently did not have one stitch of pink or bows in my house! Shortly after finding out baby #6 was a girl I vividly remember the moment I realized that I would get to buy girly things, and I was so excited! When it comes to little girl hair accessories there is a huge selection out there, so I began the search for what I envisioned on our baby girl (or my style, I guess you would say...that's the fun part when they are little you get to dress them how you want, right! 🙌🏻). I found a lot of cute, amazing bow companies, but many were monthly based subscription and I wanted to find a shop where I could order what I wanted (I needed some good basic colors that would go with a lot) and not be tied to a subscription. I found Lottie Lemon on etsy and I loved that she such a large selection of colors, prints, and that you even pick the style you want each bow. She has a fun chart to help you make your selection. 

She has sets she has put together that you can purchase or you can do a custom set, which is what I did. I know I will be back to order more! My first set arrived and I was over the moon.

The quality is amazing, and I may have let out a squeal over the simple fact that I now have hair bows in my house! Definitely check her out on ETSY.

{four} Trustworthy Bible Study by Lysa TerKeurst

As I was studying in 1 Kings this week in my Bible study I was reminded that God already holds control and the ultimate victory, therefore, we can trust Him. 2020 has been quite a year, hasn't it? It's thrown us all some curve balls and challenges we didn't see coming. Tension is running high, as an important election is quickly approaching and social media is quickly becoming a place of division. I'm not one to get heated about political issues, I've always voted for the candidate that will support the issues that line up with my convictions. But social media has given people an accessible platform to quickly and easily say whatever they want, and I will say, I have found myself getting worked up over something someone has posted. It's easy to feel discouraged but the reminder this week that "God is good at being God, so I can trust Him," (a statement that Lysa TerKeurst made in our video session) brought so much comfort. I'm so thankful for God's Word. It is living and active and I shouldn't be surprised that the timing of what I was reading and studying in 1 Kings would align so timely with what I'm going through today.

{five} Fudge Filled Bars 

I've been making these bars since I was in high school. Back before the internet was the go to place for recipes, my mom would get a monthly magazine called, Taste of Home. I always looked forward to browsing the recipes each month. She made Fudge Filled Bars, after seeing them in an issue, and they were an immediate hit. I would make them for tailgate parties in college, and friends would always ask for the recipe. I'm telling you this is a must add to your list! I made some on Monday night for the Chiefs game, and my boys always devour them. I will say, don't forget the salt! I've done that once or twice (on accident) and they still taste amazing, but the salt adds the perfect balance to the sweetness in this recipe! You can find the recipe HERE.

 Happy Friday Friends! Enjoy the beautiful October weather! What are your favorite things from this week?

In case you missed it this week:

Pregnancy Fitness 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Pregnancy Fitness

 Today, I'm 24 weeks with baby #6!

Let's talk fitness during pregnancy. Did you know that researchers at Duke did a study and found that pregnant women reach the same peak levels of endurance as those competing in Ironman--so the physical intensity of pregnancy is like running a 40-week marathon? WOW...and that's without even getting up from the couch!

I've stayed active my entire pregnancy and it's made a huge difference, in my physical and emotional health. **Also, before we go any further, please talk with your doctor to make sure it is safe and you are cleared to workout during pregnancy. Most of the time if you aren't experiencing any complications and are not high risk they will clear you to keep doing what you were doing pre-pregnancy.

I've been doing 3-5 days of group training at my gym and running. I'll be honest, as a runner who hit a PR last year, it was discouraging to see my times begin to increase and workouts begin to get hard. But, I kept showing up. And do you know what? It didn't take long for the disappointment to wear off, and for my mindset to shift to feeling success in the fact that I showed up, got it done, and didn't give up. It's paying off. I've not had any round ligament pain this pregnancy, or any aches and pains! And I'm 40 years old! I would say the only thing I've done differently this pregnancy is consistent weight training. I can't recommend it enough.

Tips for Pregnant Mommas

1. Find an activity that you enjoy, it will help you stay motivated. And don't judge your workout based on time or amount of weight you can lift, etc. This also isn't the time to be setting out to smash any personal records or hard to reach goals. I find it's better to be cautious than overzealous.

2. Listen to your body. Know when to slow down or take a break. Some days you just don't feel like working out, and that's okay.

3. Don't give up (unless you are told to suspend exercise by a healthcare professional). The benefits are so good for you and baby.

4. Drink lots of water! It's important to stay hydrated. Don't walk out the door without it!

5. Be proud of yourself for any amount of activity you accomplish. You are after all, already running a 40-week marathon!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Five Things Friday

It's May! Here are five things from me on this Fabulous Friday!

Garden. Last Saturday, I spent time tilling my small garden and getting it ready to plant my new crop of vegetables and fruit 🍅😉. I was so excited that we stopped by my favorite small business plant/garden pop up shop and picked up some plants and flowers. I came straight home and got them planted, and woke up the next morning to unexpected rain💦. There was two inches of water standing in my garden! I must say I was a little bummed, if I had known I would have held off in planting. However, I think all is well. I planted tomatoes (4), green peppers(4), red peppers (1), macarroni peppers (4), jalapeños (4), zucchini (1), and basil (1). I would like to find cilantro (I've stopped at two stores and still no cilantro). I've never had much luck with my bell peppers or zucchini but maybe this will be my year. What are your favorite things to plant?

Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts by Jennie Allen
I can't wait for this book to arrive on my doorstep so I can start reading. Would you like to join me?

"In Get Out of Your Head, Jennie inspires and equips us to transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances by taking control of our thoughts. Our enemy is determined to get in our heads to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for the kingdom of God. But when we submit our minds to Christ, the promises and goodness of God flood our lives in remarkable ways. It starts in your head. And from there, the possibilities are endless."

Jennie Allen also has a Bible study on this topic that I will be starting with a group of women via Zoom, in a few weeks, a 6-week study in the book of Philippians. If you would like to get involved in a women's Bible study, I would love for you to join us.

Whole 30 Comfort Food. If you are looking for a "clean eating" meal that tastes great give these Lazy Meatloaf Muffins a try. The recipe calls for Whole 30 approved ketchup, My favorite is Primal Kitchen Ketchup Organic Unsweetened you can find it at Walmart, Target, and your local grocery store. I've made my own ketchup, but it just doesn't come close to Primal Kitchen's Ketchup! 

Next Tuesday, we are going to run a virtual 5K as a family, the Fiesta Frenzy5K, on Cinco De Mayo! It's been fun to have the boys get out and "train." It's a great way to for them to some physical activity, and to get out of the house. We have been taking daily 5K walks, where they either ride their bikes or walk. I hope that maybe we are developing little runners, and maybe one day some of my boys will want to do some distance running with me, a mom can dream 😉! But no matter what, it's great to get out and move your body and get some exercise. What have you been doing to get out and move?

The Chosen. Have you heard of the new series on the life of Jesus? My family and I have thoroughly enjoyed this portrayal of Jesus. Check it out https://studios.vidangel.com/the-chosen. The Bible study I'm currently in "Finding I Am," by Lysa TerKeurst, looks at the "I Am" statements of Jesus. In the last episode of season one, two of those statements were covered and it's fun to see what you are studying in the Bible be acted out on the big screen.

Have a great weekend!

In case you missed it this week:

Healthy Chicken and Veggies

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Healthy Chicken and Veggies

If you are looking for a healthy meal that the entire family will love, look no further. This easy chicken and veggie recipe is sure to be a crowd pleaser. It is a family favorite at our house! It even gets rave reviews from the picky teenager. Actually, the last time I made this meal my 13 year old said, "Mom, can you make this meal again soon?" My jaw about hit the floor. He's hard to please unless you are serving take out or anything that fits in the unhealthy category 😂. I felt like I had just won an Academy Award or 1st Place on Top Chef! 

The beauty of this recipe is you can use any combination of veggies you have on hand, and you can change it up each time you make it. It is a great meal for busy nights because you can prep the veggies ahead of time and simply line the pan and pop it right in the oven! If you serve it over cauliflower rice it is a clean eating recipe!

Healthy Chicken and Veggies


  • ●2 medium boneless chicken breasts, cut into pieces
  • ●1 medium red onion, chopped
  • ●1 medium zucchini chopped
  • ●1 medium yellow squash
  • ●broccoli florets (2 cups)
  • ●bell peppers (any variety you would like. I used red, green, and orange bell peppers), chopped
  • ●any other veggies you would like to use (mushroom and grape tomatoes are also delicious in this recipe)
  • ●2 cloves garlic minced
  • ●1 T Italian seasoning
  • ●1 tsp salt
  • ●1/2 tsp pepper
  • ●1/2 tsp paprika
  • ●2 T olive oil (avocado oil for clean eating recipe)
  • ●Brown, Wild, or Cauliflower Rice, cooked (optional)

  1. Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Line a cooking sheet/pan with aluminum foil, spray with cooking   spray.
  2. Cut all veggies and chicken and line on cooking pan.
  3. Drizzle chicken and veggies with olive oil.
  4. Prepare seasoning in a small bowl, stir to combine and sprinkle evenly over chicken and veggies.
  5. Bake 15-20 minutes until chicken is tender and veggies roasted.
  6. Prepare rice, and place portion in bowl. Spoon chicken and veggies on top of rice.

Enjoy! This meal is delicious and is great for left overs!