It's Friday and the weather is beautiful. I'm sharing a few of my favorite things from this week!
She Reads Truth Proverbs The Way of Wisdom study.
This study has been amazing! Each day has several different verses, on a common theme, from the book of Proverbs. You end the day with a couple interactive questions with blank journaling space that help you to apply and reflect on what you just read. I have enjoyed this approach as it is so different from most fill in the blank studies. I have challenged myself to just sit and really think about each question. It has caused me to examine my own heart as I read and study these passages. I come away from the study each day not only challenged, but uplifted and encouraged. I will be so sad when I finish this study. On the bright side, She Reads Truth has many more studies that I can pick from to do next!
two. The Small Things Blog. My favorite blog right now is The Small Things Blog. Kate shares the best hair (former stylist) and makeup tips. I love that she tries so many products (for both hair and makeup) and shares the ones she loves. I have purchased a few things that she has recommend on her blog and every single item has become a favorite! I now consider Kate my personal go-to beauty expert. She is a fellow boy mom, so we have more than just our names in common!
three. 15 Day Mommy Fit Challenge. I love these free workouts available on YouTube. There are a couple different versions, Trainer Nicole is my favorite. I have found a new routine that has been working for me. I drop the boys off at school and head home and do one of these workouts. The 25-28 minute workout is different each day, so you never get bored! If time allows, I like to combine them with a 2-3 mile run and boom, you have yourself a great workout! Nicole also gives modifications for pregnant women, so it's great for any of you expecting mommas out there.
four. T-Ball. Jack started t-ball and has had two practices. He is my second child to play t-ball and it just may be the cutest thing to watch.
They are not only adorable in their uniforms, but they say and do the cutest things. I love watching my oldest play baseball too, but it will be a sad day when I no longer have a t-ball playing kiddo!
I can't wait to sport my new Baseball Mom shirt that I purchased from my neighbor, fellow boy mom, and etsy seller, Kim. You can find her on Facebook or Instagram at Kim's Heart Strings. She will be taking orders for these baseball shirts through next week.
That's a wrap! Happy Friday. I'm so excited that the weekend is here. I'm going to get outside and enjoy the beautiful spring weather.