Friday, July 26, 2019

Five Things Friday-July 26

It's Friday, and I blogged three time this week! If you missed my post on Wednesday, I talked about a valuable lesson I learned about motherhood, in the kitchen, of all places! I love how lessons are waiting for us everywhere! Here's the LINK if you want to check it out. It's Friday, so you know what that means, time to share five things from my week! Let's go!

one. The Dapper Doughnut.
We ran across a little shop called the The Dapper Doughnut while out back-to-school shoe shopping for the boys this week. Everyone needed a little sugar to spark us back up to finish our shopping so we stopped in to check it out. They serve fresh, made to order, mini doughnuts! Lincoln pulled up a stool so he could watch the entire process, he was mesmerized! These mini doughnuts were good, and the mini size is a bonus, you can indulge in moderation!

two. Junior High Back-to-School Night. I just got an email from Max's new school that Back-to- School night is next Thursday. He already received his schedule in the mail a couple weeks ago. Maybe they send things out early to help the parents like me who are in denial. First of all, how am I old enough to have a middle school age child? Can anyone else relate? I had just come to terms and accepted the elementary age years, and now I'm about to be thrown into the whole new world of pre-teen boys and girls? A sweet friend gifted me a great book, Age of Opportunity. A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens, by Paul David Tripp.  I need to dive back in and finish this book so I'm ready for this new life stage and can parent successfully. Second, how is it even time for back to school anything? We just got out of school last week, right? End of summer is also a good time to start praying for our students, teachers, and staff for the upcoming school year. Click HERE for a list of things to pray for in my back-to-school prayer guide.

three. Gideon study. Lifeway is doing a Women's Online Bible Study of Gideon by Priscilla Shirer. It is a seven week study beginning August 8th through September 19th. I would love for you to join me! If you want to jump in and study Gideon let me know, it would be fun, for anyone interested, to create a group chat to discuss what we are learning! Click this link to sign up on the Lifeway website. It's completely free, and you will have full access to all the teaching sessions for the duration of the class. It's so great that Lifeway does these online studies. Priscilla Shirer is one of my absolute favorite Bible teachers. You can purchase a study book which will have weekly homework, and the session guides to take notes. If you would like to get the most out of the study, I highly recommend getting the book. But, you can also participate by only watching Priscilla's weekly online sessions. The link above explains the process if you would like more information. I'm excited to jump into this study, would you join me?

four. Pizza on the Grill. Maybe I'm the last to the "Pizza on the Grill Party," but WOW, it's so good. I found a recipe in my She Reads Truth Romans study for homemade pizza, completely from scratch, and it what so fun to make. Yes, that is kale on our pizza. I was skeptical, but it was so delicious! Who knew I could love pizza without cheese!

five. Netflix or Amazon Prime Series. Chris and I are "currently without series" ;-). I would love to know your favorite Netflix or Amazon Prime series. Help! Leave me all your favorite shows and series below in the comments.

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