Happy Friday! This Friday is extra exciting with Labor Day on Monday, and a three day weekend coming our way! I hope you have some fun and exciting things in store. Tonight kicks off high school football at my son's school and we are headed to the game. The cooler temps has me a little excited for all things fall, and that includes football. Here's five things from me on this Friday!
Kansas City Marathon-I'm excited to be running in the Kansas City Marathon again this year, in October. This will be my seventh time to run this race. It's my favorite race in Kansas City. There is nothing like running downtown, I love the sights and the challenge (it's a very hilly race course). School has thrown off my training schedule, so I've had to set my alarm even earlier, but this is the payoff. Gorgeous sunrises. Someone pulled over to the side of the road and put their hazard lights on while I was taking this. Not sure what was going on, hopefully they were going to check on my well being, and it was all on the up and up, but they sped off when I started to run again. I had my guard dog Wally with me, so I wasn't too concerned, but it's a good reminder to always be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.
Beef Tips-Healthy Little Peach is my go to place to get Whole 30 recipes. Everything I have ever made from Mac's website is amazing. This Beef Tips recipe is a hit with my entire family, and that is a hard feat with five little boys with distinct palates. Be sure to add the ingredients to your grocery list and make it soon! You will thank me.
Wedding File Box. I was looking for a book in my basement and ran across my wedding box. This is how you planned a wedding back in 2005, before Pinterest. I bought this box at Target right after Chris and I got engaged, it was specifically for wedding planning. It was so fun to look through all that was inside. Wedding magazine were all the rage and I'm so happy I saved these from when I was planning my wedding. It was fun to see the receipts from the wedding to see what a tux cost back in 2005, compared to today. Does anyone even announce their engagement in the newspaper anymore? I remember reading that section every Sunday. It was so fun to step back in time this week.
Anyone else plan their wedding before Pinterest?
MOMS (Ministry of Motherhood)-I'm on the leadership team of our MOMS group at church. We met last night for another planning meeting before our fall kickoff. Now that I'm getting into a school routine, I'm so excited that my twice a month recharge will be starting soon. There's nothing like dropping your sweet children off, with loving caregivers, and heading into a two hour break full of fellowship, food, and fun. We have some fun things planned this year. Our theme for the year is "Encourage and Build Up," from 1 Thessalonians 5:11. What meeting ideas or speaker ideas do you have for us, we are always looking for some fresh, fun, new ideas!
Enjoy your long weekend, I would love to hear how you are going to spend your weekend!
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