Friday, August 19, 2016

Five Things Friday

Woohoo, Friday is here! I'm so excited to have a couple days off from the new school routine. I have a feeling that is why my school district starts on a Wednesday, you get a break after just 3 days #thankful! Here's five things from me today.

one. I finally made it to the DMV! It's only taken me two years to get my Missouri license. This is a huge weight off my shoulders, my Kansas license was going to expire next month. Now that the two big boys are back in school it is so much easier to get out and do little errands like this (without having to hear the complaining that they don't want to go. Seriously boys, do you think I want to go either)?
I walked in and took a number (15, and they were only on 3...yikes, good thing I brought snacks for the little guys). I was getting settled in for the long wait when a nice women stood up from across the room and said, "Anyone here for Drivers' Licenses?" I went to her desk, and she began to help me immediately, I didn't have to wait after all. I was in complete shock and about to break into a happy dance. I'm now 100% a Missouri girl! Now, I need to find a fun MO shirt to show my home state pride ;-)
two. The boys started school on Wednesday. 1st and 4th grade, how did this happen? We met their teachers the other night, and they are both great. Cooper's teacher even graduated from K-State,   which is where I graduated from too! It's hard to find fellow Wildcats here in Missouri. I think we will get along just fine! I'm so proud of my boys, and I miss them when they're at school all day. I'm praying they both have an amazing year.

three. 33 days until Fall! I love fall. The colors on the trees, the smells (pumpkin spice), and crispness to the air all get me excited for the season to come. It is also perfect running weather. I'm getting excited for brisk cool runs with the beautiful changing leaves. Here's to hoping I can find a road like this to run down this fall #swoon!

I was at Michael's last week and picked up some crafting supplies on clearance, I'm excited to do a fall DIY decor project for my home. Stay tuned, I'll be posting the finished product in the weeks to come.

four. Packing Lunches. I'm not looking forward to getting back in the swing of packing lunches every morning, but I'm trying to plan ahead this year. I have been pinning lots of great lunch ideas on pinterest, and the other day I sat down with my boys and went through them. They gave me feedback on which things sounded good, which ones they would definitely not eat, and what they wanted to see in their lunch. I purchased each of them a 10 oz. thermos to send warm and cold things in for their lunches this year, and a set of these plastic bento boxes.
I'm excited that these reusable containers will cut down my use of plastic sandwich baggies. This was Cooper's First Day of School lunch, and I was so excited when he brought it home almost empty. This was a big improvement from last school year (when sometimes the whole lunch came home untouched). My new dilemma is they want different things in their lunch (who has time to fix multiple lunches that are not the same)? Help!

five. Max came home yesterday and told us he wants to join the running club at school. Be still this running mama's heart! I see some mom/son races in our future. He ran a 5k back in May with Chris and actually finished first in his age division and 6th overall. I think I need to take some lessons from him.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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